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Chicken and Dumplings

Annie’s Chicken and Dumplings (aka Grandma’s)

3 lbs chicken (or one package of chicken breast)

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 cup of milk

1 cup of water (used to dilute broth)

Chicken broth (either use from cooking the chicken or 2 small cans of broth)

1Tbsp Cajun Curl™ Spice

Coat Chicken with Cajun Curl™ boil and set aside to cool. Keep broth unless you plan to use canned broth. Pull chicken apart when cooled. Set aside.

Using broth/or add broth to pot, mix in soup, water, milk, Cajun Curl™. Bring to a boil. Begin making dumplings.


Homemade Dumplings: 

You can follow the buttermilk biscuit on the flour sack or even the dumpling recipe on the “Bisquick” box. Also, there are pre-made dumplings in the freezer dept at the store.

2 cups of flour

1⁄4 cup of cooking oil

1 egg

Buttermilk (pour until you get the consistency of biscuit dough)

Mix all ingredients. Roll them out thin. Cut in strips. Tear them into thumb size pieces and drop them in the pot. After they are all in the pot, add chicken and simmer 10 minutes. Bubble, but be careful not to burn them on the bottom. Eat when dough is ready.

*The number/amount of dumplings you need to make will be determined by how big your pot is and how think you like your dumplings. If you like them soupy add less dumplings or if you like them thick add more dumplings. We eat them thick so I have been known to make two batches of dumplings.

Cajun Curl™ Hash
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